Recommended rail fittings-rail sleepers

Edit:Zongxiang Heavy Industry--Lucas 2020-09-14 10:34:54

On the railway, the cuboid object laid between two rails is called rail sleepers, which is also called rail sleepers, but the material used is not only wood, so it is more scientific to call rail sleepers. Rail sleepers is a common industrial and mining equipment of track system, and it is also a very important rail accessory. It is mostly made of concrete and wood, which is used to fix the position of rail so that the weight of rail can be evenly distributed. rail sleepers material

Although the appearance of rail sleepers is monotonous and uniform, its appearance is not surprising, and its function is not small. Rail sleepers should not only support the rail, but also keep the position of the rail, and transmit the great pressure transmitted by the rail to the ballast bed. It must have certain flexibility and elasticity, neither hard nor soft. When the train passes by, it can deform properly to cushion the pressure, but it must be restored as much as possible after the train passes by. rail sleepers material

Rail sleepers is made of wood at first, which has good elasticity and insulation, is less affected by the temperature change of surrounding medium, is light in weight, easy to process and replace on the line, and has enough displacement resistance. According to statistics, at the peak of the use of wooden pillows, more than 3 billion wooden pillows were laid all over the world, and most of them were pine trees. However, with the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection and the development of technology, at the beginning of last century, some countries began to produce steel rail sleepers and reinforced concrete rail sleepers instead of rail sleepers. However, because the metal consumption of steel pillow is too large, the cost is high and the volume is heavy, it has not been popularized. Since 1950s, cement rail sleepers have become popular. Rail sleepers material

ZXsteelgroup specializes in selling steel rails, mining supporting materials, steel plate sales and steel plate cutting, and strictly controls the quality. After the products are put into the market, they are well received by customers. If you have any need, you are welcome to consult or leave us a message on the website. We believe that with your advice and help, we will do better.

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