Advantages of using old sleepers

Edit:Zongxiang Heavy Industry--Ethan 2021-04-06 15:13:19

Railroad is a mode of transportation that people often choose to travel, and it is also a manifestation of a country’s economic strength. Rail Sleepers are commonly used materials for track laying. With people's strengthening of environmental protection concepts, in order to save energy, railway material companies must rationally use resources. The rail sleeper is an important material for the construction of the falling road. In order to ensure the safety of the railway operation, the sleeper will be replaced after a certain number of years of use. So how should we deal with these old sleepers? In order to make full use of energy, let's take a look at the application advantages of old sleepers.

1.     Affordable price (usually about half of new sleepers): The quality of good old sleepers is even better than new sleepers, because they have been used once and have been tested in actual combat.

2.     Excellent anti-corrosion performance: when the new sleepers leave the factory, if the anti-corrosion oil enters the sleeper for 1 unit, it can be reached by the unit of the anti-corrosion oil in the sleeper after being squeezed by the rails and exposed to the sun during use. This point cannot be ignored.

3.     All kinds of quality are available to meet the needs of different customers: Some customers just use it as a stow, so you can choose a relatively cheap one with a lower quality. Good products are used in industries that require high quality, and the price is definitely a bit more expensive, but the price is still about double the price of new sleepers.

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