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GB Standard Steel Rail The Purpose Of Rail Grinding
Edit:Zongxiang Heavy Industry-- Date:2017-10-16 11:19:49

GB Standard Steel Rail The purpose of rail grinding

The knowledge of the railway above we know how much that now the traffic is convenient for all means of transport in the daily life of our industrial and mining accessories for the performance is not very understanding. We may not know the rails can let the track wave in the work of the time will not be damaged, today Xiaobian give you a specific description of this situation:

    (A) pressure rails can solve the vehicle shaft is greater than 15t and similar to the low speed of the line interval, rail wear is from the rail joints or rail welds began to develop, mostly in the curve of the outer track, the wavelength of 200 A 300 mm.

    (B) in the rail weighs less than 50kx / m on the line, from the rail joints or welded joints began to form a 500 to 1500 mm wavelength worn. Some literature that the waveform wear is due to the existence of rails when the wave caused by the uneven, with the pressure rail can be eliminated.

    (C) in the subway line, bitter under the rails or under the pillow to increase the elastic cushion, it may be damaged, it should be noted that the radius must be less than 400m will be the case, and in the wavelength are mostly About 50 mm. We all know that the rail is an important component of the railway track to ensure the safety of the train fast, so to regularly check the maintenance of the rail, but also to extend the life of the rail, here to thank those who have been hard work of the railway workers. Rail grinding is a multi-functional modern road maintenance technology, grinding the focus from the rail repair to rail maintenance. Regular grinding of the rail, can eliminate and delay the wave mill to eliminate the contact surface of the fatigue surface of the rail to prevent stripping off the block, the cross-section grinding can also improve the wheel and rail contact conditions, reduce contact stress. According to the purpose of grinding and grinding, rail grinding can be divided into three categories:

(1) repair polished

    Mainly used to eliminate the wavy wave wear, wheel abrasion, rail cracks and joints of the saddle-shaped wear, the rail a large amount of grinding, grinding cycle is long. However, this type of grinding does not eliminate the potential contact fatigue cracking that causes the wave mill, the rail stripped and the block, and will continue to expand as the train passes.

(2) steel section profile grinding

    The asymmetric grinding of the steel section of the curved section can obviously reduce the transverse force and the angle of the wheel and rail, so as to reduce the side grinding of the rail.

(3) Preventive grinding

Preventive grinding is the crack began to expand before the crack initiation area destroyed, has recently developed into a control rail contact fatigue technology. It attempts to control the development of rail contact fatigue, grinding cycle is short, so that when the surface crack initiation to be eliminated.

he quality of the tub accessories is related to the safety of the mine, and it is very important to see the quality of each part. We will be in every aspect of the strict checks, and strive to not allow unqualified products into the market. We welcome customers to supervise us. Then let's take a look at the track gates and the allowable errors and the drawbars.

  1. gauge

The gauge is the distance between the inside of the two rails on the track and the center line of the track. China's narrow rail rail gauge as the national standard of 900,762,600 mm three.