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GB Standard Steel Rail Side Wear
Edit:Zongxiang Heavy Industry-- Date:2017-10-16 14:19:52

GB Standard Steel Rail Side wear

Rail damage

Rail damage is the use of rails in the process, the occurrence of breaking, cracks and other effects and restrictions on the use of rail damage.

In order to facilitate statistical and analysis of rail damage, the need for rail damage classification. According to the location of the injury in the rail section, the appearance of injury and the causes of injury are divided into nine categories of 32 kinds of injuries, with two-digit number classification, ten digits that damage the location and status, single digits that caused The cause of the injury. Rail damage classification specific content can be seen "Railway Engineering Technical Manual (track)".

Rail break is one of the following circumstances: the whole section of the rail at least broken into two parts; cracks have been through the entire rail head section or rail bottom section; the top surface of the rail is longer than 50mm, deeper than 10mm drop block. Rail break directly threaten traffic safety, should be replaced in time. Rail crack is broken in addition to the rail, the rail part of the material separation, the formation of cracks.

There are many types of rail damage, common wear, peeling and head head injury, waist bolts hole cracks and so on. Here are some common rail damage situation.

Rail wear

Rail wear mainly refers to the small radius of the curve on the side of the rail wear and wave wear. As for the vertical wear is generally normal, with the axle weight and increased by the increase in gross weight. Improper setting of the track geometry causes the vertical wear rate to be accelerated, which is to be prevented by adjusting the geometric size of the track.

(1) side wear

Side wear occurs on the outer radius of the small radius curve, which is one of the main types of damage on the curve. When the train is running on the curve, the friction and sliding of the wheel and rail are the root cause of the outer rail side grinding. When the train passes through a small radius curve, there is usually a case where the wheel and rail are in contact, and the side grinding is the largest. The size of the side mill can be expressed by the product of the conductor and the impact angle, that is, the wear factor. Improve the conditions of the train through the curve, such as the use of wear-type wheel tread, the use of radial bogie will reduce the rate of side grinding.

From the business point of view, should improve the rail material, the use of wear-resistant rails, such as high hard rare earth rail wear resistance is about 2 times the normal track, quenching track more than 1 times.

Strengthen the maintenance and repair, set the appropriate gauge, the outer rail high and rail base slope, increase the flexibility of the line, in the side of the steel oil, etc., can reduce the side wear effect.

(2) wavy wear

Wavy wear refers to the wave on the top of the wave appears uneven wear, in essence, wave-shaped collapse. Wave grinding will cause a high wheel-rail power to accelerate the damage to the locomotive and rail parts, increase maintenance and repair costs; in addition to the violent vibration of the train will make passengers discomfort, serious threat to traffic safety; origin of. Some of our cargo lines on the line, there has been a serious wave mill. Its development faster than the side grinding, as the main reason for the change.

Wave mill can be divided into short wavelength (or ripple) and long wave (or wave). The ripple is a periodic irregularity with a wavelength of about 50 to 100 mm and a fluctuation of 0.1 to 0.4 mm. The long wave is a periodic irregularity with a wavelength of 100 mm or more and 3000 mm or less.